Kenji's Blog

Blog for Dr Kenji Takeda at the University of Southampton. Find out about what he's up to in aerodynamics, aircraft noise, flight simulation and Formula One teaching, research and schools outreach. Also see what's going on in the School of Engineering Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Keep space tidy - No litter please!

Space junk is a real problem, and something that has been hitting the headlines recently...
There's an increasing amount of flotsam and jetsam in orbit, and as this gets worse then it can be a real threat to how we operate satellites, and space stations.
It happens to be something that we're working hard on at Southampton. Drs Graham Swinerd and Hugh Lewis are experts in this field, and their simulations are helping to figure out what we can do about it. You can read more about it here @
If you want to study it in more detail then why not study Space Systems Engineering - the UK's only rocket science degree programme! Find out more about spacecraft with Dr Swinerd's great new book - How Spacecraft Fly, Spaceflight without formulae.


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