We're proud to announce the release of EP2DC, a service that connects and
EPrints document repository with a
remote data repository.
What's the point? Well, at Southampton we've been working very hard over the past decade to make research more widely available - spearheading the Open Access movement. One of the products of this is EPrints, one of the world's most popular repository platforms. EP2DC allows you to upload datasets to go alongside your articles - e.g. the raw data used for the graphs in your paper. While this is possible with EPrints already, here we have built a Web Service infrastructure that allows the data to be stored remotely - i.e. in a separate data repository. This provides a scalable, federated SOA architecture that we believe will help users, repository owner and developers realise the dream of open access to data.
Have a look at
http://www.materialsdatacentre.com/, and more specifically on the EP2DC blog @
Thanks to
JISC for funding us to create this!
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